What can you do to make sure you're winning people over in the new year? It can take only 2 seconds to make a first impression. And almost 90% of that impression is made through your nonverbal communication. But did you know that it can take up to 12 visits to undo a negative first impression! Here are 7 tips to make yours a good one.
- Start before you open the door - Many of us walk into a room planning to scope out the situation. By then it's usually too late. Visualize yourself as a shining star before you even leave your house. Our impression is formed on the inside as well as the outside.
- Adjust your focus - Focus on how you are going to engage, communicate with, or inspire the people in the room. Do NOT focus on what they are going to think about you! Set the intention of finding people you can help instead of looking for people who can help you.
- Be curious! It will make a difference! At a recent networking event, I was approached by a woman. I was curious about her embossed name tag and commented on it. She launched into an explanation about the tag. She told me some recent accomplishments and promoted something else she was doing. But she walked away without ASKING ME ONE QUESTION! Don't be that woman!
- Dress your strengths - What's the one quality about you that you just love? Make one style choice that reflects that quality. At a women's networking group in New York City only 4 women out of 30 wearing color. Instead of dressing for success all the time, dress to Express.
- Become a flasher - an EYEBROW flasher. By simply raising your eyebrows quickly upon entering a room, you signal that you are a friendly, positive person who is also excited and exciting.
- Stand in your power - Posture speaks volumes. Stand with your feet hip distance apart, a slight bend to your knees, and your weight slightly forward. That gives you a solid base and pitches your body slightly towards the person you're addressing. Try to keep your torso fully visible. Folding your arms communicates insecurity. Comfortably displaying your torso shows your confident and trustworthy.
- Channel your inner Barry White - The voice is the second most important part of an effective first impression. Speak from the diaphragm and lower your pitch, that goes for men and women. Lower pitches automatically sound more authoritative and confident. Avoid up-speaking - making everything sound like a question - and avoid speaking too softly or losing energy at the end of your sentences.
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Great advice Robin for all our holiday (business and personal alike) events!