Career talk for women
ForbesWoman 11/19/2013
Ten Career And Self-Help Books For Your Holiday Gift List
In my line of work as an executive coach and corporate trainer, I read a LOT of career and self-help books. Here are 10 of my favorites from this year:
Forget A Mentor, Get A Sponsor: The New Way To Fast-Track Your Career by Sylvia Ann Hewlett
For the corporate climber, this is the best career book of the year. Hewlett manages to be candid but still encouraging, mixing just the right amount of hard research and accessible anecdotes.
Suitcase Entrepreneur by Natalie SissonFor the entrepreneur (and the traditional employee who wants more efficient systems!), this is a must-read. Sisson, a fellow Forbes contributor, specializes in location-independent businesses and shares her best hacks for how to launch, grow and build an online business, while traveling the world.
Standing Ovation Presentations by Robyn HatcherAre you a Hero, Buddy, Sex Symbol, Curmudgeon…? Hatcher teaches presentation skills by breaking down people into 9 Actor Types. One of her exercises even uses monologues from famous movies. This is a helpful how-to book on an important skill that still manages to be light and entertaining.
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Robyn Hatcher is founder and principal of SpeakEtc, a boutique communication and presentation-skills training company based in NYC. She’s also a former actress and writer for two daytime dramas. In her new book, Standing Ovation Presentations (Motivational Press, 2013), Hatcher shares a thorough overview of communication and presentation best practices, told in a unique framework of 9 ActorTypes (e.g., Hero, Ingenue, Villain, Comic, Whiz Kid, Super Hero, Sex Symbol, Buddy, and Salty Veteran/ Curmudgeon). I’m the Villain type, and the book has given me some great ideas!
Hatcher’s book is a great example of a super fun read that also provides valuable career advice. The communication tips are excellent. There is an exhaustively detailed section on how to structure a presentation. Hatcher also covers verbal and non-verbal strategies. At the same time, there are entertainment analogies woven throughout, and there is even an exercise based on monologues from famous movies. You won’t feel like you’re reading a dry training manual even though you’re getting great training tips.
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For the corporate climber, this is the best career book of the year. Hewlett manages to be candid but still encouraging, mixing just the right amount of hard research and accessible anecdotes.
Suitcase Entrepreneur by Natalie SissonFor the entrepreneur (and the traditional employee who wants more efficient systems!), this is a must-read. Sisson, a fellow Forbes contributor, specializes in location-independent businesses and shares her best hacks for how to launch, grow and build an online business, while traveling the world.
Standing Ovation Presentations by Robyn HatcherAre you a Hero, Buddy, Sex Symbol, Curmudgeon…? Hatcher teaches presentation skills by breaking down people into 9 Actor Types. One of her exercises even uses monologues from famous movies. This is a helpful how-to book on an important skill that still manages to be light and entertaining.
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9/05/2013 @ 5:14PM |613 views
Get Your Celebrity Fix And Career Advice In 3 Fun Reads
Standing Ovation Presentations by Robyn Hatcher
Hatcher’s book is a great example of a super fun read that also provides valuable career advice. The communication tips are excellent. There is an exhaustively detailed section on how to structure a presentation. Hatcher also covers verbal and non-verbal strategies. At the same time, there are entertainment analogies woven throughout, and there is even an exercise based on monologues from famous movies. You won’t feel like you’re reading a dry training manual even though you’re getting great training tips.
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